We want to thank everyone for their prayers, financial, and personal help!
Each new year has proven to be more exciting and busy than any other year. Your support helps make it possible! We are so glad that you have partnered with us. We are able to minister in numerous churches and home groups throughout the Balkans each year. You have helped us support a number of ministries financially, provide sound equipment, and publish books in seven languages.
These videos show some of the many times we spent teaching, praying, and serving overseas. It was challenging to portray a years’ worth of ministry in a few minutes. Unfortunately, some pictures of our times ministering had to be left out.
As we look forward to coming years, we are expecting even greater things. 1 John 4:16-18 says that when you “know and believe” the love that God has for you, you will be able to face any situation without fear. Knowing that God loves you gives you the spiritual strength to be love to others!
Always remember that you are God’s BELOVED! Dan, Veronica, and Rachel